Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fast Hiring: Taking Advantage of Technology

The Hiring Process

The hiring process these days take longer than it did before. According to the study conducted by, the U.S has an average of 23 days hiring process. Glassdoor also evaluated several screening methods, phone interviews get an average of 8 to 8.2 days, one on one interviews has an average of 4.1 to 5.3 days and Presentations with 2.7 to 4.2 days.  The hiring process nowadays becomes very exhausting for applicants. However, there is still a way to speed the process. Here are several ways to not only speed the hiring process, but also make it easier:

  •        Clear Job Descriptions – instead of posting a summarized job description where other details will be provided upon interview, posting a job full and understandable job descriptions make it a lot easier for applicants to know if they are capable of getting the job done.

  •      Post Opportunities on social media – taking advantage of social media is also a good way to make hiring faster. With over millions of users around the world, the companies job post can be viewed by job seekers, thus increases the chance of hiring the right people for the job.

  •     Minimize Job Posting – although posting a lot of job ads might seem very efficient, it only increases the chance of applicants that are not suitable for the job. By optimizing job ads and posting them in a strategical way, the chances of hiring the right employees become increases.

  •       Try Video Interviewing – interview via live stream videos can lessen the effort of both applicant and employer, stable internet connection, a computer (or smartphone) and a camera will be the only utilities needed...


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